The 2025 AI Business Challenge

Join me as I build a fully autonomous AI business in 2025 and share everything along the way.

Read about the challenge   Join the Adventure

About the Challenge

I’m challenging myself to build a 100% AI business in 2025.

I’ve made profitable companies before, but now I’ll attempt to translate everything I’ve learned into a team of agents and bots that make a profit unattended.

This newsletter will document everything along the way. I’ll be sharing scripts, code, successes and failures with my subscribers. Subscribe if you’re:

  • An entrepreneur, founder, or you work at a startup
  • An AI Hacker, or amateur prompt-smith
  • Interested in the real state of AI
  • Up for learning from my failures 😅

Join me on my Journey:

Subscribe to ride-along with my journey to building a fully AI business:

    I will never send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

    My Background

    My name is Woody, I’m a multi-exit founder who’s been writing software and selling it for 15 years or so. Tech is my first love, business my second.

    I’m an indie hacker through and through. I like to invent systems, hybridise business models, and make cool stuff.

    • $1.5m+ WordPress and Software products sold
    • 15+ years building products as solo, founder, lead engineer
    • 5+ Successful Joint Ventures
    • Exit to Automattic
    • Maker hacker through and through (my projects)

    This newsletter will reflect my alternative/hacker founder approach – this won’t be a corporate AI newsletter, it’ll be nuts and bolts building an all-AI business.

    What I’m Building

    This is what I expect to cover in 2025 for this newsletter, but we’ll probably come across some other interesting AI goodness along the way.

    Agents, Swarms, Tasks and Roles

    Will this end up with a bunch of AI execs around a virtual board table?

    I’m going to experiment widely with the granularity of roles and tasks. I even want to dabble with the psyche of potential AI employees.

    AI Co-op Platforms

    How do agents interact? How do swarms interact?

    How do I interact with each of them? Do they just text me progress reports?

    What product/service will be profitable?

    What value can an AI business provide?

    What product/service will be sustainably profitable for this AI team? How do I find the right market?

    Existing AI Tools

    Where practical, I’ll be using existing AI tools to build this out. This’ll mean testing AI tools widely and debating the risk of dependency.

    Homegrown AI Tooling

    I’ll be building a huge range of my own AI tools as I go along, documenting the process, and sharing the code (where responsible).

    Scaling AI Business Swarms

    Once one of my AI business swarms is making a profit, I’ll explore scaling it up. Exploring verticals, diversifying risk, and exploring new markets.

    Future of Work

    What does ‘work’ look like after there’s AIs doing everything? As we go along I’ll reflect on what it means for us as humans; whether we’re indie hackers behind business swarms, staff left out in the cold, or consumers of AI built products, how is it going to effect us?

    Ethical Considerations

    What are the ethical implications of AI-run businesses?

    I’ll explore strategies for responsible AI implementation: Do no harm. Add value. Don’t be an internet douche bot.

    Stability, Endurance, and the fluctuating market

    How do these agents keep this thing afloat long-term? What about changing market conditions and technology?

    How do they watch for curve balls and manoeuvre? Is it possible to build evolution into the system?
    Join the others riding-along with me, I’m happy to share the journey and appreciate any participation.

    Optimistic Challenge Timeline

    Come watch me sweat as I try to get a swarm of AIs to play nicely, and consistently make a profit 😅.

    🕴️ Q1 2025

    Project kickoff and AI system design, start building the AI team

    🤖 Q2 2025

    AI training and business model development, first ‘live’ tests

    🚀 Q3 2025 😅

    Proper launch of AI-run business operations

    Q4 2025 💷 or 👹

    Evolution & Longevity. Performance analysis and future projections


    Subscribe Now:

    Ride along as I build a 100% AI business in 2025

    I’ll share everything as I go so you can see what it takes to make a 100% AI powered, profitable company in 2025.

      We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.